ROCK RIVER COALITION, INC: River Friendly Cities


The project goal is to improve/protect water quality by promoting urban stormwater management through a program to recognize communities that conduct a stormwater management program that meets performance standards. The objectives are to: organize a partnership of stakeholders; explore what has been and is being done currently to promote urban stormwater management; assess interest and value for developing such a project; and, develop a project proposal and seek funding through grants to implement the program. A full description of the project goal and objectives are in the grant application, which is a part of the application.

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River Grant
River Planning Grant
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The project goal is to improve/protect water quality by promoting urban stormwater management through a program to recognize communities that conduct a stormwater management program that meets performance standards. The objectives are to: organize a partnership of stakeholders; explore what has been and is being done currently to promote urban stormwater management; assess interest and value for developing such a project; and, develop a project proposal and seek funding through grants to implement the program.
Rivers Planning Grant
The project goal is to improve/protect water quality by promoting urban stormwater management through a program to recognize communities that conduct a stormwater management program that meets performance standards. The objectives are to: organize a partnership of stakeholders; explore what has been and is being done currently to promote urban stormwater management; assess interest and value for developing such a project; and, develop a project proposal and seek funding through grants to implement the program.
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
The project goal is to improve/protect water quality by promoting urban stormwater management through a program to recognize communities that conduct a stormwater management program that meets performance standards. The objectives are to: organize a partnership of stakeholders; explore what has been and is being done currently to promote urban stormwater management; assess interest and value for developing such a project; and, develop a project proposal and seek funding through grants to implement the program.
Information and Education
The project goal is to improve/protect water quality by promoting urban stormwater management through a program to recognize communities that conduct a stormwater management program that meets performance standards. The objectives are to: organize a partnership of stakeholders; explore what has been and is being done currently to promote urban stormwater management; assess interest and value for developing such a project; and, develop a project proposal and seek funding through grants to implement the program.
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
The project goal is to improve/protect water quality by promoting urban stormwater management through a program to recognize communities that conduct a stormwater management program that meets performance standards. The objectives are to: organize a partnership of stakeholders; explore what has been and is being done currently to promote urban stormwater management; assess interest and value for developing such a project; and, develop a project proposal and seek funding through grants to implement the program.