NAMAKAGON LAKE ASSOCIATION, INC.: Education Outreach Program


The Namakagon Lake Association, Inc. is sponsoring a project that includes the placement of three different lake issue adds in the "Visitor Magazine" published in Hayward, WI. The adds will be focused on a different lake issue and run for three consecutive issues, of which there will be 9 total for 2004. Issues include, exotic species and how to prevent their spread through watercraft inspection; lake use regulations, courtesy rules, & personal watercraft. A topic for the third proposed add had not been finalized. This publication has a circulation of around 100,000 and covers a large portion of Bayfield & Sawyer Counties. The Namakagon Lake Association will also work with the Drummond Elementary School to promote safe lake use and lake conservation education to its' students. A five-day program to learn about the lake, involving elementary students will be developed. Teachers & students will participate in events on and around the lake in cooperation with Lake Association volunteers who will run the programs. Specific deliverables for this project include copies of each of the adds produced, an outline of the completed elementary school program and an evaluation of the Drummond Elementary School portion of the project from presenters and participants.

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The Namakagon Lake Association, Inc. is sponsoring a project that includes the placement of three different lake issue adds in the "Visitor Magazine" published in Hayward, WI. The adds will be focused on a different lake issue and run for three consecutive issues, of which there will be 9 total for 2004. Issues include, exotic species and how to prevent their spread through watercraft inspection; lake use regulations, courtesy rules, & personal watercraft. A topic for the third proposed add had not been finalized. This publication has a circulation of around 100,000 and covers a large portion of Bayfield & Sawyer Counties. The Namakagon Lake Association will also work with the Drummond Elementary School to promote safe lake use and lake conservation education to its' students. A five-day program to learn about the lake, involving elementary students will be developed. Teachers & students will participate in events on and around the lake in cooperation with Lake Association volunteers who will run the programs. Specific deliverables for this project include copies of each of the adds produced, an outline of the completed elementary school program and an evaluation of the Drummond Elementary School portion of the project from presenters and participants.
Information and Education
Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature