LAKE SINISSIPPI IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: Lake Sinissippi Long-Range Implementation Strategy


The Lake Sinissippi Improvement District will develop an implimentaion strategy that will identify implimentation components for each of ten potential long range projects that have been identified. The implimentation components that will be identified for each potential long range project are: needed feasibility studies; needed cooperating agencies; needed permits; potential sampling required; potential funding sources, application requirements, and dates, potential financing options; and time schedules for each of the above components. A full description of the project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application which is part of this agreement.

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The Lake Sinissippi Improvement District will develop an implimentaion strategy that will identify implimentation components for each of ten potential long range projects that have been identified. The implimentation components that will be identified for each potential long range project are: needed feasibility studies; needed cooperating agencies; needed permits; potential sampling required; potential funding sources, application requirements, and dates, potential financing options; and time schedules for each of the above components. A full description of the project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application which is part of this agreement.
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