
Cable Lake Association will conduct studies to determine the current water quality and ecosystem conditions on Cable and Wiley Lakes in Bayfield County. This effort will identify current or future problems, strategies for lake protection and establish background data for future assessments. The Association will use information collected in the study to petition the County to reclassify portions of the lake to a higher level of protection and to establish a canoe recreational trail. Specifically, the Association, its consultants and volunteers will: 1) Conduct one year of multi-parameter water quality monitoring on threes lake sites. 2) Establish a lake level staff gage. 3) Map and characterize watershed landuse including sensitive and habitat areas and review and evaluate the adequacy of existing ordinances and plans to protect the lakes. 4) Complete an aquatic plant and shoreland assessment and work with the department to identify sensitive areas in the lake. 5) Conduct a sociological study of lakeshore residents. Specific deliverables for this grant project include: A report interpreting and summarizing all project results. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
Lakes Planning Report
Lakes Planning Report
Lakes Planning Report
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Cable Lake Association will conduct studies to determine the current water quality and ecosystem conditions on Cable and Wiley Lakes in Bayfield County. This effort will identify current or future problems, strategies for lake protection and establish background data for future assessments. The Association will use information collected in the study to petition the County to reclassify portions of the lake to a higher level of protection and to establish a canoe recreational trail. Specifically, the Association, its consultants and volunteers will: 1) Conduct one year of multi-parameter water quality monitoring on threes lake sites. 2) Establish a lake level staff gage. 3) Map and characterize watershed landuse including sensitive and habitat areas and review and evaluate the adequacy of existing ordinances and plans to protect the lakes. 4) Complete an aquatic plant and shoreland assessment and work with the department to identify sensitive areas in the lake. 5) Conduct a sociological study of lakeshore residents.
Issue News/Media Release
Informational Meetings
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Social Survey of Residents or Users
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment