LAWRENCE LAKE P & R DISTRICT: Lawrence Lake Aquatic Invasive Species Study


The Lawrence Lake Protection & Rehab District proposes to develop an aquatic plant management plan, to include: 1. Conduct a submergent , emergent, and floating leaf aquatic plant appraisal via line transect methods and map existing stands of EWM, curly leaf pondweed, and purple loosestrife 2. Create a pressed and laminated plant collection for all plant species in Lawrence Lake 3. Develop an Aquatic Plant Management Plan, to include: -Public participation and integration process -Mapping -Identification of potential sensitive areas -Recommendations for future strategy -Overview of aesthetic features, lake use patterns and regulations, historical aquatic plant actions 4. Prepare a final report and make recommendations. Specific actions are identified within the original planning grant proposal

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ALPL-013-04Lawrence Lake Aquatic Invasive Species Study
Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Map Invasive Species