LAKE IOLA LAKE DISTRICT: Lake Iola Watershed & Water Quality Study


1. Develop a nutrient budget by monitoring lake water quality. 2. Measure inflow and outfow at Tressness Rd. and near dam to provide flow volume information. 3. Collect groundwater base flow samples and review groundwater data from the central Wisconsin Groundwater Database. 4. Assess fill in at previously dredged sites by determining soft sediment depths and provide guidance to future dredge projects. 5. Assess Lake Iola fishery to determine effects of aquatic plant harvesting, and to supplement outdated fishery data. 6. Inventory land use to determine impacts on surface and groundwater quality. 7. Prepare a final report addressing the results of tasks 1-6 above. 8. Disseminate information on the project results to the public by newsletter, public meeting, newspaper article, and comprehensive management plan.

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1. Develop a nutrient budget by monitoring lake water quality. 2. Measure inflow and outfow at Tressness Rd. and near dam to provide flow volume information. 3. Collect groundwater base flow samples and review groundwater data from the central Wisconsin Groundwater Database. 4. Assess fill in at previously dredged sites by determining soft sediment depths and provide guidance to future dredge projects. 5. Assess Lake Iola fishery to determine effects of aquatic plant harvesting, and to supplement outdated fishery data. 6. Inventory land use to determine impacts on surface and groundwater quality. 7. Prepare a final report addressing the results of tasks 1-6 above. 8. Disseminate information on the project results to the public by newsletter, public meeting, newspaper article, and comprehensive management plan.
Nutrient Budget Development
Data analysis, report production
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment