MIDDLE GENESEE LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: Middle Genesee Lake Planning Project-Phase IV


This Project will update the Lake Management Plan. USGS is conducting a groundwater study for the lake management district. Many piezometers have already been installed. Project deliverables are: a) Publication of staff gauge data and lake water quality data in the USGS annual report. A copy of the annual report will be submitted to the DNR. b) Installation and monitoring of two piezometers. c) Two public information meetings to present results, one by USGS and the other by SEWRPC. An electronic and paper copy of the USGS presentation on lake water quality and piezometer data will be submitted to the DNR.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
Update to existing project LPL-912-04 for data from 2003-06
Memorandum Report Number 148
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
This Project will update the Lake Management Plan. USGS is conducting a groundwater study for the lake management district. Many piezometers have already been installed. Project deliverables are: a) Publication of staff gauge data and lake water quality data in the USGS annual report. A copy of the annual report will be submitted to the DNR. b) Installation and monitoring of two piezometers. c) Two public information meetings to present results, one by USGS and the other by SEWRPC. An electronic and paper copy of the USGS presentation on lake water quality and piezometer data will be submitted to the DNR.
Lake Management Plan Development
Comprehensive Planning Studies