RED CEDAR LAKES ASSOCIATION: Red Cedar Lake Water Quality Monitoring & Watershed Map


USGS will conduct water quality monitoring during 1993-94 and publish the water quality data annually. USGS will map the lake's watershed. USGS will make a formal presentation to the lake assoication on the study results.Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, public meeting, and summary report mailing.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
LPL-146 (6022-02)
Reports and Documents
Lakes Planning Report
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
USGS will conduct water quality monitoring during 1993-94 and publish the water quality data annually. USGS will map the lake's watershed. USGS will make a formal presentation to the lake assoication on the study results.Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, public meeting, and summary report mailing.
Informational Meetings
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment