Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
LPL-069 (1018-1)
Lakes Planning Report In 1991 the Lac La Belle Management District (LLMD) applied for, and received a Wisconsin Lake Management Planning Grant. The LLMD grant application contained three primary components. Each component would develop a publication for area distribution . ⢠Recreational Use surveys including riparian boat counts, access surveys, lake use surveys and public education, ⢠Sensitive and environmentally important areas and ordinance development~ including survey of adjacent landowners, and public education. ⢠Compile and review water quality data, and public education, The grant was later amended to publish one "Lake Book" that would encompass each of the three educational components, and would provide a more complete picture of Lac La Belle .
Grant Awarded
Recreational use survey to characterize current and potential recreational use. Historical water quality data will be collected and analyzed. Inventory of in-lake sensitive and environmentally important areas. Final report and information dissemination.
Data analysis, report production
Recreational Use Survey