BLUE SPRING LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: Blue Spring Lake Management Plan Development


1. Develop comprehensive, long range, lake management plan including: a. A statement of management goals b. A summary of lake characteristics including newly developed information c. Identification of problem areas d. Discussion of management initiatives adopted including people responsible and implementation time schedule. e. Address the following management topics: aquatic vegatation and other biota, water quality and pollution, alien species control, safety on the lake, lake use and preventing overuse, aesthetics, and information and education. 2. Project will include a monitoring program and evaluation of the types and amounts of plankton, evaluation of imbalances in the food web and lake exosystems, projections of future lake and land uses, demographics, and zoning profiles, and a preliminary evaluation of the potential and problems of dredging as an aquatic plant management tool. 3. Prepare a final report including the results of the tasks above. 4. Information on the project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, entire report mailing, public meeting, summary report mailings, newspaper article, and a comprehensive management plan.

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1. Develop comprehensive, long range, lake management plan including: a. A statement of management goals b. A summary of lake characteristics including newly developed information c. Identification of problem areas d. Discussion of management initiatives adopted including people responsible and implementation time schedule. e. Address the following management topics: aquatic vegatation and other biota, water quality and pollution, alien species control, safety on the lake, lake use and preventing overuse, aesthetics, and information and education. 2. Project will include a monitoring program and evaluation of the types and amounts of plankton, evaluation of imbalances in the food web and lake exosystems, projections of future lake and land uses, demographics, and zoning profiles, and a preliminary evaluation of the potential and problems of dredging as an aquatic plant management tool. 3. Prepare a final report including the results of the tasks above. 4. Information on the project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, entire report mailing, public meeting, summary report mailings, newspaper article, and a comprehensive management plan.
Lake Management Plan Development