SILVER LAKE ASSOCIATION: Watershed Inventory, Sediment Loading Reduction Alternatives


1. Prepare engineering plans and cost estimates for a lake outlet structure and fish weir; 2. conduct water quality sampling; 3. conduct watershed inventory, including land use and nutrient load estimates; 4. revise existing bathymetric map of lake; 5. conduct wetland inventory; 6. conduct sediment sampling to determine phosphorus cycling internal rates.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
1. Prepare engineering plans and cost estimates for a lake outlet structure and fish weir; 2. conduct water quality sampling; 3. conduct watershed inventory, including land use and nutrient load estimates; 4. revise existing bathymetric map of lake; 5. conduct wetland inventory; 6. conduct sediment sampling to determine phosphorus cycling internal rates.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Lakes Planning Grant
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Map Depth of Lake (Bathymetry)