Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
In the 1995 and 1996 T ambling Lake Association, Inc. with it's consultant, Rand Atkinson of Aquatic Resources completed Phase 1 of the planning grant process. During this phase the resource history and the current conditions of the lake community of Tambling Lake were described . This inventory was used to develop recommendations for a comprehensive lake management plan. The goal of the Phase 2 proposal, was to take actions on the recommendations identified, and initiate further development of a comprehensive plan that enhances and restores the ecosystem of Tambling Lake.
Grant Awarded
Tambling Lake Association proposes to follow through on recommendations presented in Phase 1. Project activities will include site planning and design preparation for a winter aeration system, site planning and design of the outlet culvert replacement, a survey of lake residents to determine future management direction and possible Lake District formation, and establishment of a shoreland restoration demonstration site.
Conduct Survey of Residents
Information and Education
Shoreland restoration demonstration planning
Lakes Planning Grant
Project Deliverable
Final Report and Project activities will include site planning and design preparation for a winter aeration system, site planning and design of the outlet culvert replacement, a survey of lake residents to determine future management direction and possible Lake District formation, and establishment of a shoreland restoration demonstration site.