Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
LPL-076 (4024-02)
The goals of this project were: - to review all existing information on Lake Noquebay. - to examine existing lake conditions. - to develop a lake management plan that protects, maintains, and enhances the lake's water quality.
Grant Awarded
1) Collect and analyze existing and new data on water chemistry and macrophytes. 2) Prepare a table on soils in the watershed indicating permeability, erodibility, depth to groundwater, and septic suitability. 3) Prepare a land use map of the water-shed using 'A Protocol for Lake Management Planning Purposes' (L. Klessing, 1991). 4) Estimate non-point source loading using land use map. 5) Evaluate current weed harvesting program. 6) Analyze existing data on nutrients in sediments andmacrophytes. Prepare a summary of nutrient information and changes in macrophyte coverage over time. 7) Produce an underwater video that shows macrophyte and sediment conditions, fish habitat, and water clarity. 8) Prepare nutrient and suspendedsolids budgets for lake. 9) List alternative methods for water quality restoration. Cost effectiveness, permit requirements, and long term consequences of each lake and watershed management options will be included. 10) Prepare a lake and watershedmanagement plan. 11) Prepare a final report that includes work products 1 - 6 and 8 - 10 listed above. 12) Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter mailings, public meetings, local newspaper articles, poster displays, video program
Data analysis, report production
Lake Management Plan Development
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Nutrient Budget Development