Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Lake management activities on the lake in the early years were centered around improving the fishery and controlling the abundant aquatic plants found in the lake. A dam that raised the lake approximately 1.2 feet was constructed in 1949 to prevent movement of fish downstream at times of high water and to maintain a ordinary lake levels. Aquatic plant treatment began in 1940 and continues to today. Fish planting also began in the 1940's. A walleye spawning reef was built in the early 1980's to try to establish a self-sustaining walleye population.
Grant Awarded
The Pike Lake Sportsmen Club proposes to develop a lake management plan for Pike Lake. Project activities include analysis of the lake's water quality, analysis of the fish and aquatic plant community, an appraisal of land uses within the watershed, a lake watershed inventory, a lake property owner's survey, an evaluation of the present aeration system, and a lake plan including recommendations.
Lake Management Plan Development