Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Maps are not included in the scanned document. They can be found in hard copy in Central Office.
Grant Awarded
The Balsam Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District will conduct a comprehensive two phase project to document current aquatic plant conditions in the lake and update (and change, if needed) their aquatic plant management plan. These projects are a part of the ongoing aquatic plant management planning process being conducted by the Lake District on Balsam Lake.
Activities for this particular Phase 1 grant project include; conducting an aquatic macrophyte survey during the summer of 2005 and comparing the results with previous aquatic plant surveys.
Specific deliverables for this grant project include: A comprehensive final report including the 2005 plant survey results and an analysis and evaluation of those results in comparison with previous survey findings.
The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.
Aquatic Plant Management Plan