BALSAM LAKE P & R DISTRICT: Phase 1: Otter Creek Sediment Evaluation


The Balsam Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District will conduct a comprehensive four phase project to document sediment and water quality characteristics of the Rice Creek drainage system and the effect of that tributary system on the Balsam Lake ecosystem. Rice Creek empties into the northwestern bay of Balsam Lake, which is locally known as "Little Balsam Lake." Sedimentation is occurring near the Rice Lake inlet and is negatively impacting lake use and water quality. Phase 1 will involve sampling on Otter Creek, Phase 2 and 3 involve Rice Creek above and below a sediment control device, and Phase 4 will involve data evaluation and analysis and development of a report. Activities for this particular Phase 1 grant project include; installation of an automatic flow logger and water sampler on Otter Creek, employment of a student intern to maintain and operate this equipment, collection of samples from 11 rainfall events and one fair weather period during the April to August, 2006 time period, and the analysis of these samples. Specific deliverables for this grant project include: \00B7 A Phase 1 grant project report listing project activities and the results of samples collected during this Phase 1 project. (OR) \00B7 A Phase 1 through Phase 4 final project report listing project activities from all four projects and the results, recommendations, etc. from the total four phase project. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

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The Balsam Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District will conduct a comprehensive four phase project to document sediment and water quality characteristics of the Rice Creek drainage system and the effect of that tributary system on the Balsam Lake ecosystem. Rice Creek empties into the northwestern bay of Balsam Lake, which is locally known as "Little Balsam Lake." Sedimentation is occurring near the Rice Lake inlet and is negatively impacting lake use and water quality. Phase 1 will involve sampling on Otter Creek, Phase 2 and 3 involve Rice Creek above and below a sediment control device, and Phase 4 will involve data evaluation and analysis and development of a report. Activities for this particular Phase 1 grant project include; installation of an automatic flow logger and water sampler on Otter Creek, employment of a student intern to maintain and operate this equipment, collection of samples from 11 rainfall events and one fair weather period during the April to August, 2006 time period, and the analysis of these samples. Specific deliverables for this grant project include: \00B7 A Phase 1 grant project report listing project activities and the results of samples collected during this Phase 1 project. (OR) \00B7 A Phase 1 through Phase 4 final project report listing project activities from all four projects and the results, recommendations, etc. from the total four phase project.
Project Deliverable
Final Report encompassing of all 4 phases
Issue News/Media Release
Informational Meetings
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Data analysis, report production
Comprehensive Planning Studies