Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
LPL-040 (5007-1)
The objective of this study was to assess the water and land resources of Lake Mason, identify the water quality problems that are a result of these land and water uses, and develop a conservation and management plan to address these problems. The goal of this report is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the problems of Lake Mason, its watershed and associated water resources and work towards a land use ethic . The foundations of this goal have been built through this grant program by gaining private landowner cooperation in identifying these problems and expressing a desire to develop and accept a plan to solve them.
Grant Awarded
Inventory and analysis of existing conditions in lake and watershed. Community education and information effort. Preparation and distribution of draft lake management plan. Preparation, distribution and presentation of final lake management plan.information to be disseminated through newsletter mailings, media, etc.
Lake Management Plan Development
Information and Education