Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
The Deer Lake Conservancy, in its request for proposals for the present study, indicated they were interested in conducting a more comprehensive lake study, which built upon previous studies. Specifically, there was interest by some board members to consider in-lake management methods such as aquatic plant removal and alum treatment to control nuisance aquatic plants and algae. In addition, the Deer Lake Conservancy was interested in conducting a detailed watershed modeling analysis, conducted as a separate study (JEO 2003), and specific management options for a ‘barnyard runoff management system’ (also known as Pond 1).
Grant Awarded
The Deer Lake Conservancy, Inc. will conduct a comprehensive "In-Lake" management planning project involving a study and evaluation of Deer Lake in Polk County. Project activities include; conducting an in-lake water quality monitoring survey during 2003, reviewing and evaluating all available water quality data, developing a lake nutrient budget, developing a computer lake response model, developing a management strategy for recently purchased lakeshore property, developing a riparian habitat restoration and protection program for the lake, developing an implementation plan for long term lake management goals and strategies, and completing an updated comprehensive lake management plan.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Lake Management Plan Development
Nutrient Budget Development
Data analysis, report production
Water Quality Modeling