CLARK COUNTY LAND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: Mead Lake Aquatic Ecosystem Assessment- Phase 2, Tasks 3&4


Clark County proposes to do a study on Mead Lake that examines water qualitiy conditions and nutrient fluxes from tributary inflows and the sediment. Project activities include: 1) In-lake monitoring, 2) Research the impacts of macrophytes on pH and sediment phospherous release. The Department will be provided with both a paper copy and electronic copy of the report.

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Clark County proposes to do a study on Mead Lake that examines water qualitiy conditions and nutrient fluxes from tributary inflows and the sediment. Project activities include: 1) In-lake monitoring, 2) Research the impacts of macrophytes on pH and sediment phospherous release. The Department will be provided with both a paper copy and electronic copy of the report.
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment