MILWAUKEE COUNTY: Milwaukee Co. Pond & Lagoon Mgt. Plan-Phase 1


This project will collect and compile existing information on park ponds, lakes and lagoons. The plan will set priorities for restoration, seek public input on uses of each waterbody, and classify each waterbody. Project deliverable will be a plan for management options for each classification of waterbody. This plan will outline how the Department of Public Works and the Milwaukee County Parks will change or modify their daily operations in managing each classification or type of waterbody. Reimbursable costs will be staff time(county staff). This grant only covers a small portion of the costs of the entire plan.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
Lakes Planning Report
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
This project will collect and compile existing information on park ponds, lakes and lagoons. The plan will set priorities for restoration, seek public input on uses of each waterbody, and classify each waterbody. Project deliverable will be a plan for management options for each classification of waterbody. This plan will outline how the Department of Public Works and the Milwaukee County Parks will change or modify their daily operations in managing each classification or type of waterbody.
Lake Classification