Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Grant Awarded
Amery Lake Planning Project - Pike Lake
The Amery Lakes Protection District will conduct a comprehensive lake management planning project involving a study and evaluation of the three Amery Lakes (Pike L., No. Twin L. and, So. Twin L.) in Polk County. This 3-phase project includes the following activities: Phase I - Project kick-off, news release and meetings, lake sediment and water quality sampling, and watershed data review & mapping. Phase II - field data collection, septic system survey, watershed delineation and evaluation, macrophyte survey, sensitive area survey, lake modeling, and compilation of draft lake management plan. Phase III - preparation of final project results and best management practice recommendations, preparation of Final Lake Management Plan and, release of project results.
Specific deliverables for this grant project include:
? A comprehensive final report, including the results of all of the project activities and the developed management strategies.
Comprehensive Planning Studies
Lake Management Plan Development