BUFFALO LAKE PROTECTION & REHAB DISTRICT: Buffalo Lake Comprehensive Lake Management Plan Phase 2


The Buffalo Lake Protection & Rehab District proposes to develop a lake management plan to include: 1. Information and Education component that includes watershed delineation/mapping, watershed evaluation, and shallow lake ecological concepts,citizen survey 2. Water quality appraisal and trophic condition determination 3. The final Lake Management Plan including a citizen participation process 4. Specific actions are identified within the original planning grant proposal

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
LMP to maintain water quality, reduce invasive plants and increase inmportant native plants, enhance recreational opportunities, improve natural aesthetics, encourage cooperation and communication between agencies and municipalities, elected commissioners work to meet the goals and need of the buffalo Lake P&R District
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The Buffalo Lake Protection & Rehab District proposes to develop a lake management plan to include: 1. Information and Education component that includes watershed delineation/mapping, watershed evaluation, and shallow lake ecological concepts,citizen survey 2. Water quality appraisal and trophic condition determination 3. The final Lake Management Plan including a citizen participation process.
Lake Management Plan Development
Watershed Mapping or Assessment