ASHIPPUN LAKE P&R DISTRICT: Ashippun Lake Management Plan


Want to define the issues of concern and develop and evaluate a full range of remedial options leading to a refined comprehensive lake management plan for the Lake. Project Goals: 1)to update the description of existing conditions in the Ashippun Lake; 2)Identify the extent of any existing and potential future water quality problems; 3)Assess the degree and intensity of recreational water use; 4)assess the impact o aquatic plants on Lake use; 5)Formulate appropriate updated management actions, plublic information and education strategies, ordinances, and other possible responses to the identified problems. Distribute final lake management plan and plan program to inform interested persons of the studies and updates.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
SEWRPC Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Want to define the issues of concern and develop and evaluate a full range of remedial options leading to a refined comprehensive lake management plan for the Lake. Project Goals: 1)to update the description of existing conditions in the Ashippun Lake; 2)Identify the extent of any existing and potential future water quality problems; 3)Assess the degree and intensity of recreational water use; 4)assess the impact o aquatic plants on Lake use; 5)Formulate appropriate updated management actions, plublic information and education strategies, ordinances, and other possible responses to the identified problems.
Lake Management Plan Development