CITY OF INDEPENDENCE: Bugle Lake Ecosystem Assessment/Aquatic Ed. Program


The City of Independence, in partnership with Independence Public Schools and the Elk Rod and Gun Club, proposes to study the history and ecosystem associated with Bugle Lake and its watershed, in part as an educational exercise, and also, to provide documentation of the study for future use by the community. Major project elements would include: 1) water quality monitoring, 2) collection and cataloging of aquatic species, 3) historical research and evaluation, and 4) lake and watershed mapping. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both paper and electronic copies of the final report. Project results will be shared with the public through the local paper, the school district newsletter, through presentations to the community and through a wide array of pamphlet and presentation materials.

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The City of Independence, in partnership with Independence Public Schools and the Elk Rod and Gun Club, proposes to study the history and ecosystem associated with Bugle Lake and its watershed, in part as an educational exercise, and also, to provide documentation of the study for future use by the community. Major project elements would include: 1) water quality monitoring, 2) collection and cataloging of aquatic species, 3) historical research and evaluation, and 4) lake and watershed mapping.
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment