NPS Grant
Targeted Runoff - Rural Construction
The Lake Management Planning Grant, also a cost share with DLR, has completed a study you are about to read. We look to this report for recommendations. Desair Lake Restoration has plenty to do: We have constant monitoring of water quality, destructive construction on the watershed, and the watch for exotic invasive species. Farmers will work to keep the nutrients on the fields where they want them. Poorer fields for farming will continue to grow back to forest. And in this process we gather for picnics and fundraisers, to talk and plan, to walk the trails and meet on the lake in our boats. It is this joining together that adds meaning and joy to our work. When the sediment slows to near presettlement levels, we may then dream of clear water again.
Grant Awarded
Funding to support landowner installation of Best Management Practices around the lake to reduce runoff.