TMDL/303d Projects
Identify Impaired Waters
Marengo River Photo WBIC 2921100
Report of E. coli sampling in the Marengo River and its tributaries in 2015
Bacteria Monitoring in the Marengo River watershed - NOR_09_CMP15
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Bacteriological monitoring of the Marengo River and tributaries by the Bad River Watershed Association and the Bad River Natural Resource Dept. has shown high levels of E. coli are often present, especially during runoff events. Since 2007, BRWA has sampled E. coli on 162 sampling events across 20 locations in the Marengo River watershed. E. coli levels exceeded 126 colonies/100 ml on 70 occasions at 12 of those sites. E. coli levels exceeded 1000 colonies on 15 occasions at 7 of those sites. Livestock and residential wastewater systems appear to be the sources. The objective of this project is to conduct additional bacteria monitoring consistent with NR 102 to determine if water quality standards are being exceeded, and if so, to consider adding a section of the river to the 303d list of impaired waters.
Monitor Aquatic Biology
Bacteriological monitoring of the Marengo River and tributaries by the Bad River Watershed Association and the Bad River Natural Resource Dept. has shown high levels of E. coli are often present, especially during runoff events. Since 2007, BRWA has sampled E. coli on 162 sampling events across 20 locations in the Marengo River watershed. E. coli levels exceeded 126 colonies/100 ml on 70 occasions at 12 of those sites. E. coli levels exceeded 1000 colonies on 15 occasions at 7 of those sites. Livestock and residential wastewater systems appear to be the sources. The objective of this project is to conduct additional bacteria monitoring consistent with NR 102 to determine if water quality standards are being exceeded, and if so, to consider adding a section of the river to the 303d list of impaired waters. Three sites will be sampled on the Marengo River and its tributaries.