Soft Maple Hay Creek TWA, Rusk County


The Soft Maple Hay Creek watershed was a priority watershed project in Rusk County. Rusk County Land Conservation Department worked with landowners over approximately a 10 year period to install various non point BMPs throughout the watershed. The BMPs installed and reported to the Department's Non-Point Coordinator include Nurtrient Managment Plans, Diversions, Manure Storage, grassed waterways, and in-stream habiat. We propose to monitor 20 sites on various streams that recieved BMP treatment. There is limited backgound information available therefore untreated reference reaches for comparative purposes may need to be selected.


The project will include monitoring streams to determine the effectiveness of BMP practices employed in the watershed. Fish surveys, macroinvertebrate samples, quantitative habitat evaluations and nutrient sampling will be used to gather water quality information. The information gathered may be used for updating waterbody assessment status, watershed planning, direct future monitoring for 303d or ERW/ORW status, making management reccomendations, and updating waterbody and watershed narratives in WATERS.


Sites to be determined after discussions with LCD regarding placement of BMPs Propose to monitor: 20 sites for Fish and Quantitative Habitat summer 2015 10 macroinvertebrate sites Fall 2015 10 water chemistry sites for total P, total N, ammonia, Nitrate Nitrite, TSS single grab at time of Fish Survey or May-August. Anticipate not needing water chem samples at all fish/habitat sites becuase sites will be different reaches of same stream. data entered into SWIMS or FHDB by Jeff Jackson or Joe Cunningham by December 31 2015.

Study Design

Sites to be determined after discussions with LCD regarding placement of BMPs Propose to monitor: 20 sites for Fish and Quantitative Habitat summer 2015 10 macroinvertebrate sites Fall 2015 10 water chemistry sites for total P, total N, ammonia, Nitrate Nitrite, TSS single grab at time of Fish Survey or May-August. Anticipate not needing water chem samples at all fish/habitat sites becuase sites will be different reaches of same stream. data entered into SWIMS or FHDB by Jeff Jackson or Joe Cunningham by December 31 2015.

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Targeted Watershed Approach
Effectiveness (BMP, Other)
Final Report Needed
Reports and Documents
Assessments and recommendations for the Watershed. Soft Maple Hay Creek Targeted Watershed Assessment: A Water Quality Report to Protect Wisconsin’s Watersheds 2019
NC.Ver_Stn_10044315_SSN_515079450_Report 2019
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Activities & Recommendations
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