ROCK RIVER COALITION, INC: Linking Communities to the Waters of the Rock River Basin


The Rock River Coalition plans to use 2 different groups to collect water quality data using probes and canoes along the entire length of the Rock River. The data will be presented to various civic groups and organizations to increase public awareness of water quality issues in the Rock River Basin. By connecting the public with the River, the goal is to increase public participation in the actions necessary to improve water quality throughout the Basin. Project deliverables are as follows: 1. Develop presentation on the Rock River water quality issues, the upcoming paddle event, the DNR Rock River Recovery effort and the efforts of the sponsoring organizations. 2. Give presentations at 15 community organizations in a variety of locations along the proposed route. 3. Develop sponsor placard 4. Purchase items for probe assembly 5. Test probe by paddling in various situations 6. Develop visual methods of displaying water quality probe data with a GIS application, in conjunction with UW-Whitewater staff. 7. Develop at least two different media releases/newsletter articles about the project. 8. Finalize plans for the paddle event to be held in spring 2016

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The Rock River Coalition plans to use 2 different groups to collect water quality data using probes and canoes along the entire length of the Rock River. The data will be presented to various civic groups and organizations to increase public awareness of water quality issues in the Rock River Basin. By connecting the public with the River, the goal is to increase public participation in the actions necessary to improve water quality throughout the Basin. Project deliverables are as follows: 1. Develop presentation on the Rock River water quality issues, the upcoming paddle event, the DNR Rock River Recovery effort and the efforts of the sponsoring organizations. 2. Give presentations at 15 community organizations in a variety of locations along the proposed route. 3. Develop sponsor placard 4. Purchase items for probe assembly 5. Test probe by paddling in various situations 6. Develop visual methods of displaying water quality probe data with a GIS application, in conjunction with UW-Whitewater staff. 7. Develop at least two different media releases/newsletter articles about the project. 8. Finalize plans for the paddle event to be held in spring 2016.
Water Quality Planning
The Rock River Coalition plans to use 2 different groups to collect water quality data using probes and canoes along the entire length of the Rock River. The data will be presented to various civic groups and organizations to increase public awareness of water quality issues in the Rock River Basin. By connecting the public with the River, the goal is to increase public participation in the actions necessary to improve water quality throughout the Basin. Project deliverables are as follows: 1. Develop presentation on the Rock River water quality issues, the upcoming paddle event, the DNR Rock River Recovery effort and the efforts of the sponsoring organizations. 2. Give presentations at 15 community organizations in a variety of locations along the proposed route. 3. Develop sponsor placard 4. Purchase items for probe assembly 5. Test probe by paddling in various situations 6. Develop visual methods of displaying water quality probe data with a GIS application, in conjunction with UW-Whitewater staff. 7. Develop at least two different media releases/newsletter articles about the project. 8. Finalize plans for the paddle event to be held in spring 2016.