Lakes Grant
Small Scale Lake Planning
In order to preserve and protect Lake Galilee for the future, the Association recognized that baseline water quality data is needed. The baseline data will be used to assess trends in the future. In addition to collecting the water quality data, a study of the aquatic invasive species is necessary for the purpose of planning and control. To further its purposes and goals, the Galilee Lake Association applied for and was awarded a Wisconsin DNR Small Surface Water Grant on April 6, 2015.
Grant Awarded
Galilee Lake Association is initiating an expanded water quality, habitat, and education & outreach project in partnership with Ashland County. Volunteers will collect expanded water quality data via the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network. This grant project will fund water quality data collection beyond CLMN, including pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature profiling with a meter, and continuous temperature monitoring. Other activities include purple loosestrife and aquatic plant monitoring and education & outreach with lakeshore property owners and local partners. Deliverables include: all water quality data entered into SWIMS, a summary of the grant project activities and results, and examples of education & outreach materials.