Branch River PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan


The purpose of the Nonpoint Source Control Plan developed for this project is to assess the nonpoint pollutants in the Branch River Priority Watershed and guide the implementation of control measures. Nonpoint source control measures are needed to meet very specific water resource objectives designed to protect and enhance the surface and groundwater in the watershed. The predominant sources of nonpoint pollutants in the Branch River Watershed originate from croplands and animal lots, primarily in the form of excess phosphorus, nitrogen and sediment. Barnyards and cropland combined account for an estimated 93 percent of the total phosphorus and 81 percent of total sediment delivered to surface water in the watershed. Secondary sources of nonpoint pollutants in the Branch River Watershed originate from gully and streambank erosion, primarily in the form of sediment deposition to the stream. Streambank and gully erosion account for an estimated 19 percent of the total sediment and 8 percent of the total phosphorus load to surface water in the project area.


The primary objectives of the project are: 1) To reduce overall sediment delivered to streams in the Branch River Watershed by 25 percent 2) To reduce overall phosphorus delivered to streams in the Branch River Watershed by 28 percent 3) To protect and enhance the groundwater resource in the Branch River Watershed 4) To improve aquatic habitat through reduced stream temperatures and stabilize stream flow 5) To develop community action that fosters change the promotes long term improvement and protection of the Branch River Watershed resources.


The Manitowoc and Brown County LCDs will contact all landowners who are eligible to receive cost-share funds during the project's implementation. Specific sites or areas within the watershed project are designated as either "critical," "eligible," or "ineligible." Designation as a critical site indicated that controlling that specific source is necessary if the pollutant reduction goals for the project are to be met. The Manitowoc and Brown County LCDs will assist in applying BMPs.

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Nine Key Element Plan
Branch River PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan - The purpose of the Nonpoint Source Control Plan developed for this project is to assess the nonpoint pollutants in the Branch River Priority Watershed and guide the implementation of control measures. Nonpoint source control measures are needed to meet very specific water resource objectives designed to protect and enhance the surface and groundwater in the watershed.