Pigeon River PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan


The Pigeon River Priority Watershed Project plan assesses the nonpoint sources of pollution in the Pigeon River Watershed and guides the implementation of nonpoint source control measures. These control measures are needed to meet specific water resource objectives for the Pigeon River and its tributaries. The purpose of this project is to reduce the amount of pollutants originating from nonpoint sources that reach surface water and groundwater within the Pigeon River Priority Watershed Project area.


The primary objective of the project is to reduce nonpoint source pollution to the surface water and groundwater, and to enhance and protect the water quality of streams in the Pigeon River Watershed.


The predominant sources of nonpoint pollutants in the Pigeon River Watershed originate from cropland, animal barnyards, and manure spreading on high hazard acres during winter months. Croplands, barnyards, and manure spreading account for an estimated 81% of the total phosphorus load. Additionally, cropland contributes 62% of the total sediment delivered to the surface water in the watershed.

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Water Quality Planning
Priority Watershed Plan
Reports and Documents
The Pigeon River Priority Watershed Project plan assesses the nonpoint sources of pollution in the Pigeon River Watershed and guides the implementation of nonpoint source control measures. These control measures are needed to meet specific water resource objectives for the Pigeon River and its tributaries. The purpose of this project is to reduce the amount of pollutants originating from nonpoint sources that reach surface water and groundwater within the Pigeon River Priority Watershed Project area.https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/nonpoint/documents/9kep/Pigeon_River-Plan.pdf
Activities & Recommendations
Nine Key Element Plan
Pigeon River PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan - The Pigeon River Priority Watershed Project plan assesses the nonpoint sources of pollution in the Pigeon River Watershed and guides the implementation of nonpoint source control measures. These control measures are needed to meet specific water resource objectives for the Pigeon River and its tributaries. The purpose of this project is to reduce the amount of pollutants originating from nonpoint sources that reach surface water and groundwater within the Pigeon River Priority Watershed Project area.