Water Quality Planning
Priority Watershed Plan
The Upper St. Croix - Eau Clair Rivers Priority Watershed is at the headwaters of the St. Croix River and the Mississippi River system. The historical significance of this resource is well documented in many accounts referring to the beauty and abundance of this outstanding resource. In 1988, the St. Croix River was designated as an Outstanding Resource Water by the State of Wisconsin. The Upper St. Croix - Eau Clair Rivers watershed project has a protection orientation, as opposed to the more traditional remediation based watershed projects, and takes a proactive approach to prevent nonpoint pollution before it happens.https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/nonpoint/documents/9kep/St_Croix_EauClaire-Plan.pdf
Nine Key Element Plan
Upper St. Croix - Eau Clair Rivers PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan - The Upper St. Croix - Eau Clair Rivers Priority Watershed is at the headwaters of the St. Croix River and the Mississippi River system. The historical significance of this resource is well documented in many accounts referring to the beauty and abundance of this outstanding resource. In 1988, the St. Croix River was designated as an Outstanding Resource Water by the State of Wisconsin. The Upper St. Croix - Eau Clair Rivers watershed project has a protection orientation, as opposed to the more traditional remediation based watershed projects, and takes a proactive approach to prevent nonpoint pollution before it happens.