Big Green Lake PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan


The Big Green Lake watershed is one of the first nine priority watersheds throughout the state. The Big Green Lake was selected because of the severity of water quality problems, the relative importance of nonpoint sources to the achievement of water quality standards, and the capability and willingness of local governmental agencies to carry out the planning and implementing program. The purpose of the plan is twofold: to set project goals and objectives and to outline an implementation program to reach those objectives. As part of accomplishing this purpose the following must be identified: 1) water quality problems 2) significant nonpoint and point sources 3) water quality objectives 4) priority management area 5) needed BMPs 6) implementing and participating agencies and responsibilities 7) costs.


The Green Lake Watershed is one of four watershed selected in Wisconsin for participation in the Wisconsin Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement Program for 1980. The Green Lake Priority Watershed Plan has been prepared to consolidate information relative to nonpoint source pollution in the Green Lake Watershed. The Plan defines water quality problems and outlines management practices that can protect the water from further decline. The Plan is the first part of the Green Lake Priority Watershed Project; actual application of management practices comprises the second part.


The plan represents a thorough inventory of pollution sources and control needs in a watershed and as such, highlights the cause and effect relationship between land management and water quality. This can be very useful from an education standpoint. Also, the plan is a guide for managing the project. It details procedures and responsibilities and aids staff in working more effectively.

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Water Quality Planning
Priority Watershed Plan
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This document outlines the Big Green Lake Priority Watershed Plan.
Activities & Recommendations
Nine Key Element Plan
Big Green Lake PWS Plan - Nine Key Element Plan - The Big Green Lake watershed is one of the first nine priority watersheds throughout the state. The Big Green Lake was selected because of the severity of water quality problems, the relative importance of nonpoint sources to the achievement of water quality standards, and the capability and willingness of local governmental agencies to carry out the planning and implementing program. The purpose of the plan is twofold: to set project goals and objectives and to outline an implementation program to reach those objectives. As part of accomplishing this purpose the following must be identified: 1) water quality problems 2) significant nonpoint and point sources 3) water quality objectives 4) priority management area 5) needed BMPs 6) implementing and participating agencies and responsibilities 7) costs.