Purple Loosestrife Monitoring and Biological Control


Purple loosestrife has been in Wisconsin since the early 1900s and recently has been recognized as a major problem and threat to Wisconsins wetlands. Citizens and local environmental professionals can get involved in loosestrife control efforts. Some people monitor purple loosestrife by driving or walking corridors, such as highways, where it may be found. They then note the locations where purple loosestrife has been sighted and if possible take photos, so it can be verified. Once loosestrife is found, the cooperators can raise and release beetles as a biocontrol effort. Finally, revisiting sites where beetles have been released previously is important to evaluate and monitor the success of the biocontrol effort.

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Purple Loosestrife
State, County or Regional Coordination
Reports and Documents
Citizens can now get involved in loosestrife control efforts and the DNR has developed a program to rear and release biological control insects. Teachers have found this project to be a practical undertaking at schools and the basis for more effective teaching about plants, insects, and invasive species. The classroom teaching activities outlined in this document center on the biological control process. Topics range from a host-plant specificity experiment to an invasive plant art project.
Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) Cultivation and Biocontrol Insect Release Authorization Application Form 3200-116 (R 02/20)
The 5\/10\/2023 Email from Stephanie stating that DATCP no longer requires the purple loosestrife biocontrol program to submit 414 permits and related reporting.
Copy of the email from DATCP
Fieldwork report for beetle releases; includes requests for observations of evidence of existing beetles on site which can indicate a potential insectary for collection
Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol Program Procedures for Wisconsin 2020
A mini/quick guide for the Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol Program
This full color brochure is an update to the original sub-titled, "A Major Threat To Wisconsin's Wetlands and Waterways." Like the original, it includes a helpful lookalike section. Order number for warehouse WY-799.
Report of purple loosestrife biocontrol agent releases