Halfway Prairie Creek TMDL


What: Monitor Halfway Prairie Creek for habitat impairments caused by sedimentation. Conduct habitat surveys at four stations (Hudson Road, STH 78, CTH F, STH 19). Conduct Fish IBI's at four sites previously mentioned above Collect Macroinvertebrates at four locations previously mentioned above. Deploy TIDBITS at four locations previously mentioned above. Meet with county to go over inventory records and past BMP work as well as sediment sources. Review USLE, RUSLE, and BARNY records.Conduct watershed evaluation of current crop rotations, barnyards, slopes susceptible to erosion (rill/ gully).When: Summer of 2006-June through 2007 JuneWhere: Halfway Prairie Creek, Black Earth Creek WatershedWho: Michael Sorge- Water Quality Biologist


Halfway Prairie Creek was identified as one of five TMDL’s selected by South Central Region. This stream is currently on the 303d list for habitat with sediment being the pollutant. Halfway Prairie Creek was part of the original Black Earth Creek Priority Watershed (1986-98), it has 8.0 miles listed as impaired. This area has had a significant amount of resources allocated towards sediment reduction. Data will be compared against pre-BMP work. Basin plans list the potential for Halfway Prairie as COLD III, temperature and fish data will be used to determine if the potential is correctly listed.


Habitat HI- 4 locations listed in #1 above.Fish IBI’s- IBI’s and trout frequency data will be collected at 4 locations.Macroinvertebrates HBI’s- collected at 4 locations listed in #1.Report will be generated in the winter of 2006-07.

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TMDL/303d Projects
Determine Pollutants or Impairments
Reports and Documents
303d location
303d monitoring proposal (scr3)
Data Documentation Halfway Creek, Impaired Waters Delisting Documentation, La Crosse County
Activities & Recommendations
Fish Stocking Site
Site: 75448; WBIC: 1676000; Waterbody: Halfway Creek; Name: HALFWAY CK STOCK LOCAL RD
TMDL Monitoring
Halfway Prairie Creek TMDL Monitor Halfway Prairie Creek for habitat impairments caused by sedimentation. Conduct habitat surveys at four stations (Hudson Road, STH 78, CTH F, STH 19). Conduct Fish IBI\0092s at four sites previously mentioned above Collect Macroinvertebrates at four locations previously mentioned above. Deploy TIDBITS at four locations previously mentioned above.