Big Weirgor Targeted Watershed Assessment, Rusk County


The Big Weirgor Creek HUC 12 (070500010508) is a forested watershed in northern Rusk County. The upper 50% of the watershed is undeveloped publicly owned County Forest with 1.2 % hay and cropland. The lower 50% of the watershed is privately owned and agricultural use increases to 8%. One site on the Big Weirgor and Spring Creek have excellent IBIs for both fish and macroinvertebrate communities. The Big Werigor Creek Watershed is a possible candidate for applying the proposed protection tier for tiered aquatic life uses (TALU). Eight monthly water quality sampling from April though November are proposed at one site on the Big Weirgor and Spring Creek for TSS, NO2-NO3, TN, TP, Ammonia, along with field parameters. These sample events are proposed in conjunction with a local needs project. If the local needs project is not funded, the sampling events will be reduced to monthly from May-October. One Diatom sample will be collected from the most DS station on the Big Weirgor, likely DS of Old Murry Rd


Project objective is to characterize the Big Weirgor Creek watershed and its tributaries and determine if the water quality is excellent throughout all assessment units. Waterways: Big Wiergor Creek WBIC 2370400 Site headwaters tbd DS Meadow Dam Rd (10037799) DS old Murry Rd (10037800) Spring Creek WBIC 2374100 Site 10012066 Deer Creek WBIC 2374200 Meadow Dam Road 10029020 Headwater Site 10012869 Un Trib to Big Weirgor WBIC 2374900 SWIMS 10029017 Un Trib to Big Wiergor site tbd WBIC 2375200 or Un trib to Deer Creek site tbd WBIC 2374300


There will be 8 sample sites There will be 6 sampling events in FY16 and 11 in FY17 Sample Collection dates are April though November 2016 Data will be entered into SWIMS and FHDB by Spring 2017 depending on Bug sample turnaround Final report possible May-June 2017, but depends on macroinvertebrate sample processing. Person(s) Responsible for entering data, Jon Kleist, Joe Cunningham or Jeff Jackson.

Study Design

8 sites will be surveyed for fish, Qualitative Habitat and marcroinvertebrates using standard WDNR sampling protocols. Additional fish surveys may be completed on small unsurveyed tributaries if time allows.

Related Reports

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Targeted Watershed Approach
Protection (Healthy or Vulnerable)
Final Report Needed
Reports and Documents
NC Verification Report was run on Unnamed Tributary to Big Weirgor Creek-Outlet of Star Lake, (10047172), located in RUSK County with fish Survey Sequence Number 515085696 sampledonJuly1, 2016.
NC Verification Report was run on BIG WEIRGOR CREEK - BIG WEIRGOR/ (10012068),
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Photo for Big Weirgor Watershed Plan
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor Fish Community
Monitor or Assess Watershed Condition
Water Quality Planning
TWA Project
Monitor Aquatic Biology
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)