Yellowstone River TWA 2016


Monitor the contemporary status of streams and rivers in the Yellowstone River watershed as well as evaluate the overall health of the watershed. The department needs current fish, habitat, and macroinvertebrate data for streams in the watershed to augment the county land and water plan and to determine priorities for work in the future. The data will be used to determine whether these streams are achieving their attainable use in order to update the watershed tables, list water that are not meeting their attainable use, and assess the overall health of the watersheds as required by Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.


Data gathered for this project will be used to update the watershed plan and stream narratives, an update information related to impaired waters listings. The plan will also be used by the Iowa and Lafayette county LCDs to determine overall condition of the resources and plan for priority areas to work in.


Fisheries, habitat, and macroinvertebrate data will be collected on 22 sites in the HUC 10 watershed. Data will be collected during the field season of the 2016 calendar year. Data will be entered into the FH database and SWIMS. Updated streams narratives and watershed report will be entered into SWIMS and WATERS. All data will be entered into the respective database by December, 2016 or as soon as it becomes available. Final Report will be drafted in winter, 2017/18.

Study Design

Study will be conducted using department approved SOPs and techniques. Sites were chosen using the help of the NC model and new TWSST model

Related Reports

Run Project Summary Report
View Umbrella-Projects
View Related-Projects

Targeted Watershed Approach
Evaluation (TP SSC, Stressor, Bioassess)
Report In Development
Reports and Documents
An Assessment of Water Quality in the Yellowstone River Watershed
J. Amrhein Brown Trout Yellowstone River TWA (17.9 in) (902500) photo by AMRHEIN, JAMES
SM Bass5 Yellowstone River TWA (902500) photo by James Amrhein
Riffle2 Yellowstone River TWA (902500) photo by James Amrhein
M. Sorge Yellowstone River TWA Friend (902500) photo by James Amrhein
Yellowstone River TWA Hornyhead Chub nest2 (902500) photo by James Amrhein
Yellowstone River TWA with Cows in Water (902500) photo by James Amrhein
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor Fish Community
Monitor or Assess Watershed Condition
Water Quality Planning
Yellowstone River TWA [HUC10] 2016
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
The department needs current fish, habitat, and macroinvertebrate data for streams in the watershed to augment the county land and water plan and to determine priorities for work in the future. The data will be used to determine whether these streams are achieving their attainable use in order to update the watershed tables, list water that are not meeting their attainable use, and assess the overall health of the watersheds as required by Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
Yellowstone River TWA [HUC10] 2016