Jug Creek TMDL


The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) developed a sediment TMDL for a segment in the Middle Kickapoo River watershed, Jug Creek, a 3.6 mile segment in Vernon County. The TMDL addresses the sediment impacts and impairments which were identified on the Wisconsin 1998 303(d) list. The segment was ranked as medium priority on the Wisconsin 1998 303(d) list. Jug Creek drains an area about 5.2 square miles. About 27% of the land use in the Jug Creek subwatershed is agriculture, about 62% of the drainage area is woodland, which contributes little sediment to the creeks, and the remaining 11% is classified as other? by WDNR (grassland, roads, quarries, and wetlands). There are no point sources in the Jug Creek subwatershed that discharge sediments. Non-point sources are identified in the Nonpoint Source Control Plan for the Middle Kickapoo River Priority Watershed Project (Watershed Plan), Chapter 2. The Watershed Plan is an attachment to the TMDL. Nonpoint sources identified in the Watershed Plan as contributing to the impairments include agricultural field run-off and streambank erosion. The TMDL identifies the existing annual sediment load of 1326 tons to Jug Creek from the following sources: Uplands 796 tons Gullies 460 tons Stream Banks 97 tons EPA finds that the TMDL document submitted by WDNR satisfies all requirements of this first element.


This 319 Management Plan describes a variety of financial, technical and educational programs in the state which support nonpoint source programs. Wisconsin?s Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Abatement Program set forth in Section 281.65 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter NR 120 of the WAC is described in the 319 Management Plan. WDNR has a variety of voluntary and back-up enforcement authorities available under the 319 plan. Administrative rules passed by the Natural Resources Board indicate that watersheds with impaired waters will have the highest priority for enforcement.


WDNR has demonstrated adequate reasonable assurance that the necessary nonpoint source reductions will occur by having various programs in place that will address the sediment movement into Jug Creek. First, Jug Creek is part of a larger priority watershed project, A Nonpoint Source Control Plan for the Middle Kickapoo River Priority Watershed Project. A copy of the approved Watershed Plan is included as an attachment to the TMDL. The project has already been underway for several years. The concepts of long-term state cost sharing and local staff funding was discussed in the project plan. The approval of the Watershed Plan by WDNR allows for the availability of grants through Wisconsin?s nonpoint source program. Chapter Five of the approved Watershed Plan includes an implementation plan for rural and urban nonpoint sources, anticipated project costs, cost-share budgets, and staffing needs. WDNR has an approved 319 Management Plan (approved by U.S. EPA in 2000).

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TMDL/303d Projects
Implement TMDL
Jug Creek TMDL
Reports and Documents
Final TMDL Report
Data Documentation Jug Creek Impaired Water Listing Documentation, Vernon County
Activities & Recommendations
TMDL Actions in Wisconsin
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) developed a sediment TMDL for a segment in the Middle Kickapoo River watershed, Jug Creek, a 3.6 mile segment in Vernon County.
TMDL (USEPA) Approved
Jug Creek TMDL Approval. EPA finds that the TMDL for Jug Creek satisfies all of the elements of an approvable TMDL. This TMDL addresses 1 TMDL for 1 waterbody with sediment impacts and impairments which were identified on the Wisconsin 1998 303(d) list.
TMDL Development
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) developed a sediment TMDL for a segment in the Middle Kickapoo River watershed, Jug Creek, a 3.6 mile segment in Vernon County. EPA finds that the TMDL for Jug Creek satisfies all of the elements of an approvable TMDL. This document addresses 1 TMDL for 1 waterbody with sediment impairment from the 1998 Wisconsin 303d list.
TMDL Development
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) developed a sediment TMDL for a segment in the Middle Kickapoo River watershed, Jug Creek, a 3.6 mile segment in Vernon County. The TMDL addresses the sediment impacts and impairments which were identified on the Wisconsin 1998 303(d) list. The segment was ranked as medium priority on the Wisconsin 1998 303(d) list. Jug Creek drains an area about 5.2 square miles. About 27% of the land use in the Jug Creek subwatershed is agriculture, about 62% of the drainage area is woodland, which contributes little sediment to the creeks, and the remaining 11% is classified as other? by WDNR (grassland, roads, quarries, and wetlands). There are no point sources in the Jug Creek subwatershed that discharge sediments. Non-point sources are identified in the Nonpoint Source Control Plan for the Middle Kickapoo River Priority Watershed Project (Watershed Plan), Chapter 2. The Watershed Plan is an attachment to the TMDL. Nonpoint sources identified in the Watershed Plan as contributing to the impairments include agricultural field run-off and streambank erosion. The TMDL identifies the existing annual sediment load of 1326 tons to Jug Creek from the following sources: Uplands 796 tons Gullies 460 tons Stream Banks 97 tons EPA finds that the TMDL document submitted by WDNR satisfies all requirements of this first element.
TMDL Implementation
Jug Creek TMDL Implementation addressing 1 TMDL for 1 waterbody with a sediment impairment from the 1998 Wisconsin 303d list. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) developed a sediment TMDL for a segment in the Middle Kickapoo River watershed, Jug Creek, a 3.6 mile segment in Vernon County. Implementation Plan needed.