Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Education
Lab costs for the grant received by Crooked Lake Area Lakes P & R District.
Crooked Lake, Oconto County, is a 166-acre drainage lake with a max depth of 37 feet and a
mean depth of 10 feet. Gilkey and Bass Lakes, 23 and 14 acres, are smaller lakes directly
connected to Crooked Lake. At the time of this report, the most current orthophoto (aerial
photograph) was from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) collected in June
2015. Based upon heads-up digitizing the water level from that photo, the lake was determined
to be the listed acres. Gilkey Lake has a max depth of 6 feet and a mean depth of 3 feet. Bass
Lake has a max depth of 11 feet and a mean depth of 4 feet. All three lakes have a relatively
small watershed when compared to the size of the lakes. Both Gilkey and Bass Lakes contain 24
native plant species, of which water bulrush and fern-leaf pondweed is the most common plant,
respectively. Crooked Lake contains 37 native plant species, of which common waterweed is the
most common plant. Two exotic plant species are known to exist in the system.
Grant Awarded
Bass Lake
Grant Awarded
Crooked Lake
Grant Awarded
Gilkey Lake