Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Education
Lab costs for grant received by North & South Twin Lakes Riparian Association.
Maps of the Twin Lakes including PI survey results, shoreland conditions, coarse woody habitat, EWM survey results, and an EWM treatment strategy.
Appendices of the North and South Twin Lakes Comprehensive Management Plan including presentations, stakeholder survey results, water quality data, modeling results, and aquatic plant management information.
The Twin Lakes, Vilas county, are 2,883-acre and 633-acre drainage lakes, respectively. These lakes are heavily used by recreationalists and anglers. The lakes have experienced change over the last few decades with established populations of rusty crayfish followed by Eurasian watermilfoil.
Grant Awarded
North Twin Lake
Grant Awarded
South Twin Lake
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment, Inventory
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment or Inventory