Upper East River TWA 2017-2018


The Upper East River Watershed was previously the subject of monitoring and management in the East River Priority Watershed Program from 1991-2003. Despite efforts to improve water quality, the East River is still considered one of the major contributors of phosphorous and suspended solids to the Lower Fox River and Green Bay. Agriculture is the dominant land use in the sub watershed and continues to be the likely main contributor to poor water quality. At the time of the monitoring project initiation, there were five CAFOs located in the Upper East and another farm that was nearly a CAFO sized facility. This subwatershed has some of the highest dairy farm and CAFO concentrations in the state. This is project is funded though Clean Water Act Section 319 grant funds.


Surveys will be completed at approximately 15-18 sites (yet to be determined) throughout the Upper East River HUC 12 Watershed to evaluate contemporary stream conditions and evaluate successes with in-stream water quality improvements from the East River Priority watershed plan that expired in 2012. Each of the sites will have 3 field visits. One visit for reconnaissance and station establishment, one visit for fish and habitat surveys, and one visit for macroinvertebrate and DPI sampling. A citizen volunteer will also collect 6 monthly growing season water chemistry grab samples for Total Phosphorous and Total Suspended Solids at 2 sites in the watersheds along the two major branches. It is also anticipated that these sites will likely serve as pre-implementation sites for in-stream water quality improvement tracking under the recently approved Upper East River 9KE plan and provide meaningful data for implementation of the Lower Fox River TMDL.


Data will be used in upcoming conditions assessments, watershed planning, and for providing information to the County, landowners, and local interests groups/partners to improve understanding of current stream conditions, successful conservation practices, success of future conservation practices, and making additional management recommendations.

Study Design

15-18 sites will be selected for Fish and Habitat Surveys. 10 sites will be selected for Macroinvertebrate Surveys 2 Water Chemistry Sites will be selected for Monthly TP and TSS samples May-Oct and DPI samples in July/Aug. Site selection will be strategically located to provide 1) general conditions assessments of reaches throughout the watershed and 2) targeted near previous conservation practices or proposed conservation practices where in-stream water quality improvements may be documented.

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Targeted Watershed Approach
Effectiveness (BMP, Other)
Reports and Documents
Upper East River Targeted Watershed Assessment: A Water Quality Plan to Restore Wisconsin Watersheds
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
Upper East River watershed