ANVIL LAKE ASSN, INC: Anvil Lake AIS Monitoring & Harvesting Strategy


Anvil Lake Association is sponsoring a project which will focus on EWM surveying, monitoring and mapping, and stakeholder involvement activities in Anvil Lake, Vilas County. Project activities include: 1) Conduct annual early-season AIS and peak-biomass surveys; 2) Conduct annual hand removal coordination and sub-PI sampling; 3) Conduct volunteer AIS surveillance monitoring; 4) Conduct whole lake PI survey and stakeholder survey; 5) Develop annual maps and summary reports. Project deliverables include: 1) EWM survey data and maps; 2) Annual reports describing the findings of the early-spring survey, peak-biomass survey, hand-pulling efforts, stakeholder survey results, and guidance for continued control actions. Specific conditions for this project: 1) Stakeholder survey needs Dept review and approval; 2) Annual reports need Dept review and approval. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of annual reports, stakeholder survey, all maps, and all aquatic plant and GIS data.

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