River Grant
River Planning Grant
Grant Awarded
The Delavan Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a project to create a concept plan that will show improvements including a nature trail west of Brown's Channel on the 2.1 acre land that the Sanitary District owns which includes 22 properties. Project final deliverables: 1) Wetland delineation and map; 2) Concept plan created by consultant to show mapped wetland areas and stream bank including erosion and stability issues; 3) Concept plan to include results, management alternatives, cost analysis, and best location for a future nature trail on the West bank of Brown's Channel 4) Baseline assessment of the invasive plant species and location to be created and included in the plan for the properties. Specific project activities: 1) Wetland delineation and mapping; 2) Stream bank location and mapping, including erosion and stability potential of the banks; 3) Assessment of best location for future nature trail; 4) Map invasive plants, species and locations on properties completed by multiple University students and Sanitary District staff; 5) Creation of a public supported updated plan that includes an aquatic invasive species control strategy and a detailed aquatic plant harvesting plan. Special Conditions: 1) Volunteer lists and signatures shall be maintained for reporting in kind volunteer labor.
County Land and Water Management Plan
The Delavan Lake Sanitary District is sponsoring a project to create a concept plan that will show improvements including a nature trail west of Brown's Channel on the 2.1 acre land that the Sanitary District owns which includes 22 properties. Project final deliverables: 1) Wetland delineation and map; 2) Concept plan created by consultant to show mapped wetland areas and stream bank including erosion and stability issues; 3) Concept plan to include results, management alternatives, cost analysis, and best location for a future nature trail on the West bank of Brown's Channel 4) Baseline assessment of the invasive plant species and location to be created and included in the plan for the properties. Specific project activities: 1) Wetland delineation and mapping; 2) Stream bank location and mapping, including erosion and stability potential of the banks; 3) Assessment of best location for future nature trail; 4) Map invasive plants, species and locations on properties completed by multiple University students and Sanitary District staff; 5) Creation of a public supported updated plan that includes an aquatic invasive species control strategy and a detailed aquatic plant harvesting plan. Special Conditions: 1) Volunteer lists and signatures shall be maintained for reporting in kind volunteer labor.