TMDL/303d Projects
Approved TMDL
Silver Lake TMDL
'After a full and complete review, EPA finds that the TMDL for Silver Lake satisfies all of the elements of an approvable TMDL. This document addresses a total of 1 TMDL for 1 waterboy with a total of 2 impairments from the 2002 Wisconsin 303d list.'
Silver Lake Manitowoc Co
Silver Lake Manitowoc County, Silver Island
Final TMDL Report
TMDL Actions in Wisconsin
Silver Lake (WBIC: 67400), located in Manitowoc Rapids Township, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, in the Manitowoc River Basin, was listed as impaired due to excess phosphorus. The Lake is nutrient (phosphorus (P)) impaired as a result of agriculture, internal loading and local land use, is listed on the 1998 303(d) list as a high priority water and external load sources are nonpoint source (NPS) dominated. The designated use for Silver Lake is a full recreation, warm water sport fishery.
TMDL (USEPA) Approved
Silver Lake (WBIC: 267400) TMDL Approval addressing the organic enrichment/low DO, and fish kill impairments which were identified on the Wisconsin 1998 and 2002 303(d) list.
TMDL Development
TMDL Development for Silver Lake (267400) in Manitowoc County, WI, addressing the organic enrichment/low DO, and fish kill impairments which were identified on the Wisconsin 1998 and 2002 303(d) list.
TMDL Implementation
Silver Lake (267400) TMDL Implementation addressing the organic enrichment/low DO, and fish kill impairments which were identified on the Wisconsin 1998 and 2002 303(d) list.
Implementation Plan is needed.
TMDL Implementation
Silver Lake, located in Manitowoc Rapids Township, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, in the Manitowoc River Basin, was listed as impaired due to excess phosphorus. The Lake is nutrient (phosphorus (P)) impaired as a result of agriculture, internal loading and local land use, is listed on the 1998 303(d) list as a high priority water and external load sources are nonpoint source (NPS) dominated. The designated use for Silver Lake is a full recreation, warm water sport fishery. Pollutant export data and information on the soils, topography, and other background information on the Silver Lake watershed is included in the Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Plan for the Sevenmile-Silver Creek Priority Watershed, dated February 1987.