Clean Water Act 2020


Repository for documents related to the 2020 Integrated Reporting Project. Sub-projects will contain assessments.

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Clean Water Act Reporting
Integrated Reporting
Reports and Documents
Approval letter from US EPA Region 5 staff on Wisconsin's 2020 CWA 303(d) list submittal.
US EPA Region 5's approval of WI's 2020 impaired waters list.
The Impaired Waters Lists and Restoration Waters Lists submitted to the EPA on April 1, 2020. The final approved list will be posted once available.
Full 2020 Water Quality Report to Congress.
Executive Summary of Wisconsin's Water Quality Report to Congress 2020.
The purpose of this report is to explore the water quality data collected as part of the CWA Pilot study in greater detail, including parameters that were not part of the Water Quality Condition Assessment Report.
Representative stations chosen for Little St. Germain Lake during the 2020 assessment cycle.
Email correspondence on delisting arsenic and PAH listings in Menominee River AOC.
A two page fact sheet outlining results and logistical considerations resulting from execution of the UMR Clean Water Act Pilot conducted in conjunction with Minnesota.
Summary of Mississippi River water quality, vegetation, invertebrate and fisheries data from Minneapolis, MN to La Crosse, WI. Detailed analysis of condition class by geomorphic reach for recreation, aquatic life and fish consumption.
Report outlining technical. logistical, budgetary and personnel perspectives related to the execution of the Mississippi River Clean Water Act Pilot conducted in conjunction with Minnesota.
Template for calculating TP mean, median, upper and lower 90th percentile values for comparison to the state water quality criteria. This spreadsheet includes the criteria and data selection instructions. Useable for lake and river/stream data.