Three Lakes Waterfront Association is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) project focusing on Eurasian Watermillfoil (EWM) education activities, surveying, monitoring, mapping, and hand-harvesting coordination in the Eagle River Channel, Townline Lake and Virgin Lake, Oneida County.
Project activities include: 1) Conduct annual early-season AIS and peak-biomass surveys; 2) Conduct annual hand removal coordination and sub-PI sampling; 3) Conduct volunteer AIS surveillance monitoring; 4) Develop Three Lakes Chain mgmt. plan document for all property owners; 5) Distribute promotional and educational items; 6) Develop annual maps and summary reports.
Project deliverables include: 1) EWM survey data and maps; 2) Plan document and promotional/educational items; 3) Annual reports describing the findings of the early-spring survey, peak-biomass survey, hand-pulling efforts, PI survey results, and guidance for continued control actions.
Specific conditions for this project: Annual reports need Dept review and approval.
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of plan document, promotional/educational items, annual reports, all maps, and all aquatic plant and GIS data.
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Aquatic Invasives Education
Grant Awarded
Grant AEPP54918 awarded