LAKE MINNESUING SANITARY DISTRICT: Lake Minnesuing Management Planning


Lake Minnesuing Sanitary District is contracting to complete a comprehensive lake management plan. Activities include water quality, shoreland/habitat, AIS, aquatic plant, and watershed monitoring/modeling, paleocore study, fishery assessment, social survey, and developing a comprehensive management plan The final deliverables are a comprehensive lake management plan; data collected, entered, and summarized as part of the project; and any education/outreach materials developed. The specific objectives, metrics, and deliverables for the listed activities are included in the application and supporting materials, and this scope is not intended to replace or supersede those documents.

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Lake Minnesuing Sanitary District is contracting to complete a comprehensive lake management plan. Activities include water quality, shoreland/habitat, AIS, aquatic plant, and watershed monitoring/modeling, paleocore study, fishery assessment, social survey, and developing a comprehensive management plan The final deliverables are a comprehensive lake management plan; data collected, entered, and summarized as part of the project; and any education/outreach materials developed. The specific objectives, metrics, and deliverables for the listed activities are included in the application and supporting materials, and this scope is not intended to replace or supersede those documents.