TMDL/303d Projects
Monitor Listed Waters
Jordan_Creek EAP
Pine Creek & Jordon Creek, Calumet County, Tecumseh Products WWTP Use Designation File, NER Region, Biological Data, Checmical Data, Physical Data, Habitat Description, Photos and Map
Jordon Creek, Calumet County, City of New Holstein WWTP Use Designation File, Multiple Authors, Description, Recommendation, Maps & Photos
TMDL Monitoring
The Hardies Creek TMDL is a product of a partnership between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the Galesville-Ettrick-Trempealeau High School (GET) Science Department. In 2004, the WDNR provided funding, through a local water quality assistance grant to GET, to support supplemental data collection for the development of the TMDL. In coordination with WDNR field staff and under the direction of Mr. Jon Johnson (GET Science Teacher), students monitored habitat, macroinvertebrates, and water chemistry and assisted with fish electro-shocking in Hardies creek. Some of the information collected by students with WDNR supervision was used in the development of this TMDL.