SPOONER LAKE DISTRICT: Spooner Lake Curly Leaf Pondweed & Knotweed Control


Spooner Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a project to implement their approved aquatic plant management activities. Activities include: curlyleaf pondweed control, professional and volunteer AIS monitoring, and reporting. Final deliverables include: summaries and reports of each grant activity, as described in the application; submission of collected data, evaluation, and results; and examples of education and outreach materials. This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Control
Reports and Documents
Surface Water Grant Application Checklist. Form 8700-284C (R 9/16)
Map of public access.
CLP plant map 2018.
On May 8 and 10, 2017 an herbicide treatment with endothall on five Potamogeton crispus-Curly leaf pondweed (CLP) beds occurred totaling 21.34 acres. A pretreatment survey and post treatment survey revealed a statistically significant reduction in the CLP after treatment (comparing the 2017 pretreatment CLP frequency to the 2017 post treatment CLP frequency) from 70.4% to 12.0% frequency of occurrence. The 2017 post treatment CLP frequency of occurrence was higher than the 2016 post treatment CLP frequency, from 4.6% in 2016 to 17.6% in 2017. The pretreatment survey from 2016 compared to the pretreatment survey from 2017 showed a small increase from 48.1% in 2016 to 54.0% in 2017. There was one native plant species with a significant reduction and one native species with a significant increase. The 2017 turion analysis resulted in an increase in turion density from 2016 (38.1 turions/m2) to 2017 (71.2 turions/m2). A whole lake meander survey was conducted for CLP and a new bed of CLP was located in the main lake basin. Other CLP locations from 2016 were not present in 2017.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Grant ACEI21818 awarded
APM Chemical Permit Request
Chemical permit details
APM Chemical Permit Request
Chemical Permit Details
APM Chemical Permit Request
Chemical Permit Details