UPPER ST CROIX LAKE ASSOCIATION: Community Approach to Lake Planning,etc.-#4


Upper St. Croix Lake Association is sponsoring a multi-phase project to develop a community-based lake management plan. This scope covers an additional year of tributary monitoring that is necessary because of limited runoff monitoring during drought conditions (i.e. at least two years of monitoring are needed with existing climate variability). This project includes measuring tributary water quality and flow, including event sampling, and developing loading estimates. Citizen volunteers will be trained to collect data (e.g. water quality samples), and a project steering committee will identify education and communication opportunities, coordinate volunteers, and provide project development input. The monitoring data will be used in the modeling and final strategic lake management planning phases. Final deliverables include: data collection summary, rating curves, and interim lake management report (spring 2008). This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. Grantee or consultant will provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR shall receive both paper and electronic copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

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Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Upper St. Croix Lake Association is sponsoring a multi-phase project to develop a community-based lake management plan. This scope covers an additional year of tributary monitoring that is necessary because of limited runoff monitoring during drought conditions (i.e. at least two years of monitoring are needed with existing climate variability). This project includes measuring tributary water quality and flow, including event sampling, and developing loading estimates. Citizen volunteers will be trained to collect data (e.g. water quality samples), and a project steering committee will identify education and communication opportunities, coordinate volunteers, and provide project development input. The monitoring data will be used in the modeling and final strategic lake management planning phases.
Lake Management Plan Development
Grant Awarded
Upper St. Croix Lake Association is sponsoring a multi-phase project to develop a community-based lake management plan. This scope covers an additional year of tributary monitoring that is necessary because of limited runoff monitoring during drought conditions (i.e. at least two years of monitoring are needed with existing climate variability). This project includes measuring tributary water quality and flow, including event sampling, and developing loading estimates. Citizen volunteers will be trained to collect data (e.g. water quality samples), and a project steering committee will identify education and communication opportunities, coordinate volunteers, and provide project development input. The monitoring data will be used in the modeling and final strategic lake management planning phases.